Our spray tanning experts will help you look sun-kissed all year round with an airbrush tan.
Your therapist will take you into a custom made spray-tanning room and personally and artfully spray you for the most perfect tan available. Our tan is violet based so there is no worrying about turning orange. Your tan will appear darker when first applied. This is due to the bronzer which allows the therapist to see where she is spraying.
Allow 30 mins - $70
IMPORTANT NOTE: You will need to exfoliate your body thoroughly and refrain from using any moisturizers, oils and deodorant before receiving your airbrush tan. Also please wear dark, loose clothes.
Allow 1 hr - $135
This treatment begins with a full body exfoliation to prepare the skin to receive an application of airbrush tan. Please wear dark, loose clothing.
Hydrate the skin well in the week leading up to your tanning appointment but not on the day of your tan
Exfoliate your skin on the days before the day of your tan. Do not apply deodorant or perfume before arriving for your tan.
Any type of hair removal is best done at least 24 hours prior to your tan to allow the pores time to close.
Bring shoes and loose fitting clothing so tight straps and waistbands don't mark your tan as it is processing.
Rub/touch the tan.
Wear tight clothes (preferably no bra)
Exercise or do anything that causes sweating or rubbing.
Apply any moisturizers/perfumes/deodorants.
Do any type of repetitive movement that could cause rubbing.
Get any water on your tan, including rain.
Treat your tan gently! Avoid exfoliation or strong rubbing from facecloths and towels.
After showering, 'pat' the skin dry instead of 'rubbing' with the towel.
Hydrate your skin daily with sun escape body butter to prolong the tan
When you are ready to remove the tan buff off with our removal mitt
Enjoy your tan