107 Customhouse Quay
Level 4
Barlow House
Wellington 6011
(04) 471-1144


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All material provided on this website is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer, invitation, basis for a contract, advice or recommendation to conclude any transaction or for the purchase or sale of any security, loan or other instrument (whether on the indicative terms or otherwise).

No Warranty

The material provided on this website contains information that has been prepared in good faith and with all reasonable care at the date indicated. To the maximum extent permitted by law, none of Urban Sanctuary, its related bodies corporate or the directors, officers, employees or agents of those entities gives any representation or warranty, whether express or implied, concerning the suitability, reliability, accuracy, completeness, fitness, quality or exactness of the material provided on this website whether for your purposes or otherwise, nor do these entities accept any responsibility or liability for any loss or damage arising from or in connection with (including negligence) errors or misstatements in omissions from, or the reliance of, any person on the material on this website.Urban Sanctuary may not and is under no obligation to update the material or correct any accuracy or inaccuracy on this website which subsequently becomes apparent. Opinions, estimates, calculations and any other information in the material provided on this website may be altered or withdrawn without notice.